Cauchy Sequence

Definition: Cauchy sequence is a sequence whose elements become arbitrarily close to each other as the sequence progresses. It can be defined for various spaces, such as:

For real numbers, a sequence $\langle x_n\rangle$ of real numbers, such that:

$\qquad\quad\langle x_n\rangle = x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots$ where, $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots\;\in\;\mathbb{R}$

is a Cauchy sequence, if for every positive real number $\epsilon$, $\exists$  an $N\;\in\;\mathbb{N}$, such that

$\qquad\quad |x_n - x_m| < \epsilon \;\;\forall\;\; n, m\;\geq\; N$

Similarly, for rational numbers, a sequence $\langle x_n\rangle$ of rational numbers, such that:

$\qquad\quad\langle x_n\rangle = x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots$ where, $x_1, x_2, x_3, \cdots\;\in\;\mathbb{Q}$

is a Cauchy sequence, if for every positive rational number $\epsilon$, $\exists$  an $N\;\in\;\mathbb{N}$, such that

$\qquad\quad |x_n - x_m| < \epsilon \;\;\forall\;\; n, m\;\geq\; N$

For example:

$\textrm{If}\;\;\;\quad \langle x_n\rangle =\left\{\dfrac{1}{n}\;\big|\;\; n\;\in\;\mathbb{Z}\right\}\\
\begin{align}\textrm{Then,}\; |x_n - x_m| &= \left| \dfrac{1}{n} - \dfrac{1}{m}\right|\\[6pt]
& < \dfrac{1}{n} \text{&} \dfrac{1}{m}\end{align}$

$\begin{align}\qquad\quad & N > \dfrac{1}{\epsilon}\\
\Rightarrow\quad\;\; &\dfrac{1}{N} < \epsilon\\
\therefore\quad\;\;\; &|x_n - x_m|\;\;< \; \dfrac{1}{n} \text{&} \dfrac{1}{m} < \;\epsilon\;\;\forall\;\; n, m\;\geq\; N \;\left(\textrm{for}\; N > \dfrac{1}{\epsilon}\right) \end{align}$

Hence, $\langle x_n\rangle =\left\{\dfrac{1}{n}\;\big|\;\; n\;\in\;\mathbb{Z}\right\}$ is a Cauchy sequence.

Abelian Group

Definition: An Abelian group, or a commutative group, is a group which along with the group axioms, satisfies an additional axiom of commutativity, i.e., if $(G, •)$ is an abelian group, then it satisfies the following five axioms:

$\forall\;\;a, b\;\in\; G, \; a • b \;\in\; G$.

$\forall\;\;a, b$ and $c\;\in\; G, \; (a • b) • c = a • (b • c)$.

Existence of identity:
$\exists\;$ an element $e\;\in\; G$, such that $\forall\; a\;\in\; G,$

$\qquad\quad e • a = a • e = a$

Such $e$ is known as the identity element of $G$ w.r.t. $•$.

Existence of inverse:
For each $a\;\in\; G$, $\exists$ an element $b\;\in\; G$, such that,

$\qquad\quad a • b = b • a = e$

Where $e$ is the identity element, and $b$ is called the inverse of $a$ in $(G, •)$.

$\forall\;\;a, b\;\in\; G$,

$\qquad\quad a • b = b • a$


Definition: A group is a set, $G$, together with an operation $•$ that combines any two elements $a$ and b to form another element, denoted by $a • b$ or $ab$.  A group $(G, •)$, must satisfy four requirements known as the group axioms:

$\forall\;\;a, b\;\in\; G, \; a • b \;\in\; G$.

$\forall\;\;a, b$ and $c\;\in\; G, \; (a • b) • c = a • (b • c)$.

Existence of identity:
$\exists\;$ an element $e\;\in\; G$, such that $\forall\; a\;\in\; G,$

$\qquad\quad e • a = a • e = a$

Such $e$ is known as the identity element of $G$ w.r.t. $•$.

Existence of inverse:
For each $a\;\in\; G$, $\exists$ an element $b\;\in\; G$, such that,

$\qquad\quad a • b = b • a = e$

Where $e$ is the identity element, and $b$ is called the inverse of $a$ in $(G, •)$.

Rational Numbers

Definition: a rational number is any number that can be written in the p/q form of two integers, p and q, with the denominator q not equal to zero. The set of all rational numbers is denoted by $\mathbb{Q}$, i.e.,

$\qquad\quad\mathbb{Q} = \left\{ \dfrac{p}{q} \;\big|\;\; p, q\;\in\;\mathbb{Z};\;\; q\neq 0\right\}$

In decimal representation, a number is a rational number if and only if the decimal expansion of a number either terminates after a finite number of digits or begins to repeat the same finite sequence of digits over and over. This holds true irrespective of the base, i.e, decimal, binary, etc.

Integers (definition)


Definition: An integer is a number that can be written without a fractionl component. The set of integers is denoted by $\mathbb{Z}$. Further, if $n$ is an integer, then $n^+$ (or the successor of $n$, eg. $0^+ = 1$, $1^+ = 2$) is also an integer. Similarly, if $n$ is an integer, then $n^-$ is also an integer.

Median Through Hypotenuse

Theorem: In a right triangle, length of a median drawn through the vertex having right angle to meet hypotenuse, is equal to one half of the length of the hypotenuse.

Median (definition)
Midpoint Theorem (proof)
SAS congruence (proof)
Angle on a straight line (proof)
Corresponding angles property (proof)


Let $\triangle ABC$ be a right triangle, right angled at B. Let BD be a median drawn from B to meet AC at D.

We need to show that BD = $\dfrac{1}{2}$ AC. For this, let us join DE, where E is the midpoint of AB.

Since, D and E are the midpoints of AC and AB respectively (see definition of median), hence by Midpoint Theorem,

$\begin{align}\qquad\quad &DE \parallel BC\\
\Rightarrow\quad\;\; &\angle AED = \angle ABC = 90^o\quad\qquad\qquad\!\! && \text{(corresponding angles)} &&& \cdots\text{(1)}\\
\Rightarrow\quad\;\; & \angle BED = 180^o -\angle AED = 90^o && \text{(angle on a straight line)} &&& \cdots\text{(2)}\end{align}$

Now, consider $\triangle AED$ and $\triangle BED$:

$\begin{align}\qquad\quad\;\; & AE = BE\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad && \text{(by construction)}\\
& DE = DE && \text{(common)}\\
& \angle AED = \angle BED = 90^o && \text{(from $(1)$ and $(2)$)}\\
\therefore\quad\;\;\;\;\; & \triangle AED\cong\triangle BED && \text{(by SAS congruence)}\\
\Rightarrow\;\quad\quad & AD = BD && \text{(CPCTC)}\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\cdots\text{(3)}\\
\text{But, }\;\quad & AD = AC/2 && \text{(by definition of median)}\\
\text{Hence, }\; & BD = AC/2 && \text{(from $(3)$)}\end{align}$



Theorem: All the three medians of a triangle intersect at a single point called centroid, which divides each median in a ratio of $2:1$.

Similarity of triangles (definition)
Midpoint Theorem (proof)
AA similarity (proof)
Alternate angles property (proof)
vertical angle theorem (proof)


Let ABC be a triangle having medians AD, BE and CF.
Let us consider the medians BE and CF, which intersect at a point G. Let us join E and F by a straight line.

Since EF joins the midpoints of the lines AB and AC, hence by midpoint theorem:

$\qquad\quad EF \parallel BC$
And, $\;\;\;\! EF = \dfrac{1}{2} BC\qquad\qquad\qquad\cdots\text{(1)}$

Now, consider triangles $\triangle BCG$ and $\triangle EFG$:

$\qquad\quad\angle EGF = \angle BGC\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{(vertically opposite angles)}\\
\qquad\quad\angle GFE = \angle GCB\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{(alternate angles)}\\
\therefore\quad\;\;\triangle BCG\sim\triangle EFG\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{(AA similarity)}$

Thus, by definition of similarity, corresponding sides are proportional, hence:

$\qquad\quad\dfrac{GE}{GB} = \dfrac{GF}{GC} =\dfrac{EF}{BC} = \dfrac{1}{2}\qquad\qquad\text{(from $(1)$)}$

Thus, G divides BE and CF in the ratio $2:1$.

Similarly, by considering the medians AD and BE, which intersect at a point G', it can be shown that G' divides AD and BE in the ratio 2:1.

But BE is divided in $2:1$ ratio by G. Hence, G' $=$ G.

Thus, all the medians intersect at a single point, which divides the medians in a ratio $2:1$.


Median through hypotenuse
Basic Proportionality Theorem
Angle Bisector Theorem